Zomi Land


Murder of Piang Ngaih Don

On the morning of 26 July 2016, Burmese maid Piang Ngaih Don (13 June 1992 – 26 July 2016) was found tortured, starved and beaten to death in a flat in Bishan, Singapore. Her killers were Prema S. Naraynasamy, an elderly woman, and her daughter, Gaiyathiri Murugayan. Both women, the latter of whom employed the…...

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Zomi Overview

Mission:Zomi Information Network is a digital platform dedicated to serving the Zomi community by providing comprehensive information, fostering cultural preservation, and promoting community engagement. Founding Principles:Founded on the principles of accuracy, integrity, and inclusivity, Zomi Information Network strives to be the go-to source for news, education, and cultural insights within…...

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